Truth Revolution (Radio Show)


Stump the Pastor Part2

…  What if he was an unkind, atheist, homosexual? Regarding Hell: Should an instruction to convert to your religion upon the threat of eternal torture in hell be met with anything other than hostility? Can a mass murderer go to …

Stump the Pastor

…  Why does God create people who he knows will end up in hell? If God is all-knowing, then why did he make humans, knowing that he’d …

More Questions for Christians

…  Is it right that all non-Christians will go to Hell? We belong to God, not to ourselves. It’s God’s prerogative to …  He pleases? God doesn’t willy-nilly throw people into Hell God doesn’t do cosmic kidnapping You either reject or accept …

From the Mouth of God – Part 3

…  5. Is it right that all non-Christians will go to Hell? BIBLE CONTRADICTION Does God prohibit adultery? Exodus 20:14 …

Forget Church!

…  unlikely that is, and my wife doesn’t get in and goes to hell. How would that not be punishment for me? Or is my idea of heaven wrong?  …

Is Christianity Real? Part3

…  in heaven while those who did good for humanity wind up in hell? Albert Schweitzer vs Ted Bundy How different are we all, really?  …

Arguments Against Christianity

…  doctrine of “eternal punishment” in the “eternal fire” of Hell Jesus’ failure to claim actual divinity Jesus’ failed prophecy …  reveal his doctrines (concerning e.g. salvation, hell, divorce, circumcision, and diet) in his own written account or that of an …

Sense & Nonsense about Heaven and Hell

…  Bowman There are many misconceptions about Heaven and Hell Discussion about the Bible as a reliable source Why no miracles …  Chronicles 36:9 Humankind’s default destination is Hell, not Heave The belief that everyone or at least nearly everyone will …

Responding to Atheism

…  a superior urgency (this is eternal rewards/Heaven and Hell!). The only true urgency created in atheistic worldview would be selfish …

Happiness in Spite of Hell

…  the knowledge of loved ones in Hell make us sad in …  When we’re in Heaven, will we know who is in Hell? And won’t that make Heaven miserable for us? Jeff: Yep we will probably know who is in hell. Dave: Luke 16 makes that pretty clear. Jeff: Now, we aren’t the …

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