Audio Archives

Jeff Piepho
August 7, 2016

Our Improbable Planet

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Our Improbable Planet

The window for civilization as we know it is closing. Earth’s current Interglacial period has fostered social and technological advances that were never possible before our time. Where are we headed and where is God in all of this? Special Guest, Dr. Hugh Ross of ‘Reasons to Believe’ joins the show.

July 31, 2016

You Don’t Need Church


You Don't Need Church

You don’t need church! Or do you? What’s the big deal anyway? Should we go to church regularly? Does it even matter? Can’t we each just be Christians by ourselves and call it good? Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they discuss the need to belong to a local church and the Body of Christ at large.

July 24, 2016

Christianity and the Government

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Christianity and the Government

Are Christians called to change the world through political means? Should we push the Christian agenda using government? What should be our stance on being active in government, or is there another way? Join Pastors Jeff and Dave, along with Special Guest, Alan Robinson, as they discuss this and more.

July 17, 2016

My Problems with Heaven and Hell


My Problems with Heaven and Hell

Good people going to Hell; bad people going to Heaven – why does it seem that the afterlife is governed by arbitrary rules that make absolutely no sense? Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they discuss a laundry list of issues that many people may have with the idea of a Christian afterlife.

July 10, 2016

Why Doesn’t God Heal Amputees?


Why Doesn't God Heal Amputees?

Why won’t God heal amputees? Is there any proof that God actually heals anyone? Is there any proof that God answers prayer at all? Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they tackle these questions posed from an atheistic point of view.

July 3, 2016

Slavery and the Bible


Slavery and the Bible

God condones slavery, right? Aren’t there tons of verses in the Bible that support this claim? Regardless of what you have heard, both of these ideas are absolutely wrong. Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they discuss how slavery in the Bible is different and how God views the practice.

June 26, 2016

God’s Imminence


God's Imminence

Where is God? Do you know? He’s a LOT closer than you might think! Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they discuss the imminence (nearness) of God, why He sometimes feels so far away and what it takes to change our relationship with Him.

June 19, 2016

Aliens and Our Universe

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Aliens and Our Universe

Aliens. What are they exactly? Why do they seem to evolve in step with our technology? What is their link with demonic activity? Join Pastors Jeff and Dave along with Dr Hugh Ross from Reasons to Believe as they discuss this and much more!

June 12, 2016

Ways That Christianity Ruins Society pt2


Ways That Christianity Ruins Society pt2

Is Christianity actually evil? Many people believe that Christianity is one of the greatest causes of evil in our world. Some say that it is ruining society. Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they discuss why this isn’t so and how the opposite is actually true.

June 5, 2016

Ways That Christianity Ruins Society


Ways That Christianity Ruins Society

Oh, that wicked Christian religion! How better off would the world be without it! Following Biblical precepts is bad for society – according to many atheists. Join Jeff and Dave as they set the record straight.

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