Audio Archives

Jeff Piepho
October 16, 2016

What’s Wrong with Christianity Pt2


What's Wrong with Christianity Pt2

The problem of evil, inconsistencies in biblical narrative, lack of historical evidence and the plot to make Jesus a god. Are these arguments enough to topple the foundation of Christianity? Are there valid counterpoints to such arguments? Pastors Jeff and Dave take this challenge head-on in the second part of this two part series.

October 9, 2016

What’s Wrong with Christianity?


What's Wrong with Christianity?

Ridiculous claims, Jesus’ inability to keep His schedule and much more! Those who refute Christianity have a wealth of really good reasons for their disbelief! Or do they? Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they discuss several reasons why, according to nonbelievers, Christianity is wrong.

October 2, 2016

A Thousand Crying Babies


A Thousand Crying Babies

What do a thousand crying babies, G.I. Joe, Barbie, triangles and orange rooms have to do with God? More than you might think. Join Pastors Jeff and Dave this week as they discuss the fundamental dependence of our Universe as proof for God’s existence.

September 25, 2016

Burning Questions


Burning Questions

Many believe Christianity discourages questions. We believe this is untrue! We say: QUESTION EVERYTHING! A lack of questions leads to a lack of answers and ultimately to a lack of growth. Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they answer and discuss several questions sent in by listeners from across the globe.

September 18, 2016

A Scar in the Earth

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A Scar in the Earth

Is the Grand Canyon causing a rift between Faith and Reason? Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they welcome Dr. Gregg Davidson, a first-time guest of Truth Revolution. What can the Grand Canyon tell us about the history of our planet? Is Faith and Reason really at odds over this massive scar in the Earth?

September 11, 2016

Untamed Mercy


Untamed Mercy

Mercy stalks its prey like a lion on the African plains. It waits patiently for its time to strike, and when the time comes, it is swift, decisive and true. This is Untamed Mercy and it is how God calls us to live. Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they discuss what it means to live with Mercy Untamed.

September 4, 2016

Muslim People and Violence

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Muslim People and Violence

Many generalizations have been made about Islam and its adherents, the Muslim people. But there are many misconceptions that come with over-generalizing. Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they welcome special Guest Alan Shlemon in an eye-opening discussion about Islam.

August 28, 2016

The Beginning of Everything


The Beginning of Everything

Where did our Universe come from? How do we know it hasn’t always existed? How are these questions linked to God? Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they discuss the Kalam Cosmological Argument – just one of many pieces of evidence that support proof for the existence of God.

August 21, 2016

Are You a Pseudo-Intellectual?


Are You a Pseudo-Intellectual?

Throw out the facts! Forget the research! You can win any argument by spewing unrelated facts using made up resources! Such is the way of the Pseudo-Intellectual. For those who walk in Truth, this style of debate should be avoided at all cost. Are you a Pseudo-Intellectual? Listen this week and find out!

August 14, 2016

Statistics Prove Everything


Statistics Prove Everything

Hard cold facts. Statistics don’t lie. From the impossibly hospitable world we currently live in – to the improbable idea that Jesus is who He claimed to be, statistics tell the truth. In scouring the known facts, we discover that God made our world just as it had to be and that Jesus is the Son of God.

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