August 28, 2016
Where did our Universe come from? How do we know it hasn’t always existed? How are these questions linked to God? Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they discuss the Kalam Cosmological Argument – just one of many pieces of evidence that support proof for the existence of God.
August 14, 2016
Hard cold facts. Statistics don’t lie. From the impossibly hospitable world we currently live in – to the improbable idea that Jesus is who He claimed to be, statistics tell the truth. In scouring the known facts, we discover that God made our world just as it had to be and that Jesus is the Son of God.
July 24, 2016
Are Christians called to change the world through political means? Should we push the Christian agenda using government? What should be our stance on being active in government, or is there another way? Join Pastors Jeff and Dave, along with Special Guest, Alan Robinson, as they discuss this and more.
July 10, 2016
Why won’t God heal amputees? Is there any proof that God actually heals anyone? Is there any proof that God answers prayer at all? Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they tackle these questions posed from an atheistic point of view.
June 12, 2016
Is Christianity actually evil? Many people believe that Christianity is one of the greatest causes of evil in our world. Some say that it is ruining society. Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they discuss why this isn’t so and how the opposite is actually true.
June 5, 2016
Oh, that wicked Christian religion! How better off would the world be without it! Following Biblical precepts is bad for society – according to many atheists. Join Jeff and Dave as they set the record straight.
May 22, 2016
Contradictions, fallacies and lies. Lack of meaningful study of the Bible leads us to an abundance of seemingly unanswerable questions. Join Pastor Jeff and Dave as they go over some of these questions and more!
May 15, 2016
Are there good excuses for not going to church? Was the Early Church hostile to women? What do exploding stars have to do with life on Earth? Join Pastor Jeff and Dave as they discuss three interesting articles from the internet.
April 24, 2016
Children with cancer? Murderers go free? Why does God allow such things? Join Pastor Jeff and Dave, with their special guest Dr. Clay Jones to answer the logic behind this question.
April 10, 2016
We have several shows geared at answering Atheists’ questions. But, this week, we have several questions of our own for those who do not believe.