Topic Notes
Is it evil for Christians to celebrate Christmas?
Several Reasons:
the LORD condemns using pagan religious practices in His worship (Deut 12:29-31).
- He’s right. God doesn’t want us to adopt the religious practices of the people around us.
- But the reason is because the culture around them at the time did things that were detestable to God
- BUNNY TRAIL: Black Friday!
the LORD condemns adding to or taking away from His commandments (Deut 12:32).
- Celebrating Christmas isn’t something we have added as a command. It’s just another great day to worship God
the LORD hates religion that goes under green trees (I Kings 14:23; Isaiah 57:5; Jer 3:6).
- It’s not about the trees! It’s about the things we do!
the LORD condemns the heathen use of decorated trees at a solstice (Jer 10:1-4).
- Read the context: it’s talking about making idols
- The point is: Don’t worship idols
the LORD condemns turning to the left or right from His commandments (Deut 5:32-33).
- This verse says nothing about Christmas
the LORD commands us to separate from and not touch pagan religion (II Cor 6:14-18).
- Christians set up the worship of Jesus on this day to hijack the holiday
- Guess what? We won!
the LORD commands us to come out of Roman Catholicism and her sins (Rev 18:4).
- Wha?
- This verse is not about the Catholic Church!
the LORD told the apostles to teach us to observe only His commandments (Matt 28:20).
the LORD rejected David's worship for a small detail and killed Uzzah (II Sam 6:1-10).
Bible Contradiction
via Freedom from Religion
Was Noah’s command to bring animals by twos or by sevens?
Genesis 7:15 vs. Genesis 7:2
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