History’s Greatest FEAT
Dave Waggoner + Jeff Piepho
HAPPY EASTER FATAL TORMENT Did Jesus really die on the cross? Jesus suffered from hematidrosis is a medical condition causing the excretion of blood into sweat which also makes your skin extremely fragile. What did they do to Jesus? Punching Scourging Crown of Thorns Nails Crucifixion Spear through heart and lungs EMPTY TOMB THE FEMALE FACTOR […]
The Flat Earth Fallacy
Dave Waggoner + Jeff Piepho
Flat-Earthers have been trying to support their ideas using science for many years. What happens when we uncover the claim that the Flat Earth Cosmology is supported by scripture? Join pastors Jeff and Dave as they discuss why the Bible supports neither the Flat-Earth NOR the Spherical-Earth models.
One Way!
Dave Waggoner + Jeff Piepho + Mark Clark
Some say, “all roads lead to God”, but that’s not what Jesus taught. Jesus taught that HE was the ONLY WAY to the Father. Which way is right? Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they welcome author and pastor, Mark Clark, to the show to discuss the words of Jesus and the exclusiveness of the Christian faith.
Our Biological Machines
Dave Waggoner + Fuz Rana + Jeff Piepho
Controversies in Stem Cell Research have made it a hot-button topic in years’ past. But new advancements in the field have sparked hope for the future of Medical Science. What are these new advancements and what do they mean for the future of human health? Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they welcome Special Guest, Dr. Fuz Rana, from Reasons to Believe.
Best of 2017: Skeptic vs Pastor – Round 2
Dave Waggoner + Jeff Piepho
Truth Revolution Rewind – Best of 2017: Skeptic vs Pastor! Round 2 of this epic heavyweight matchup! Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they give answers to questions that many atheists claim are unanswerable. Plus, the latest Bible Contradiction goes down without a fight. Tune in, grab a ringside seat and judge the outcome yourself.
Best of 2017: Can the New Testament be Trusted?
Craig L. Blomberg + Dave Waggoner + Jeff Piepho
Truth Revolution Rewind – Best of 2017: Is Jesus just a legend? Is the Bible just a “copy of a copy of a copy”? Can Oral Tradition be trusted to not misinterpret the truth? With so many arguments out there, it can seem difficult to find real answers. Join Pastors Jeff and Dave, along with Special Guest, Dr. Craig L. Blomberg, as they discuss the reliability of the New Testament.
Best of 2017: The Problem of God
Dave Waggoner + Jeff Piepho + Mark Clark
Truth Revolution Rewind – Best of 2017: Your problem with God, if you have one, is likely a common issue that many people share. When we cling to our own understanding of things, we create an unnecessary barrier between us and our Creator. Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they welcome former skeptic, Pastor Mark Clark, as he discusses his journey from doubt to belief and the wonderful answers he found along the way.
5 Great Reasons to Become an Atheist
Dave Waggoner + Jeff Piepho
Are there benefits to being an Atheist? Will you all-of-a-sudden become more intelligent – or care more about the future of the planet? Will you actually be free to do whatever you want? Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they discuss the article by AtheistRepublic.com’s Jeff Moore “5 Great Reasons to Become an Atheist”.
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