July 26, 2015
Are there holes in some evolutionary models? Join us as we welcome special guest, Casey Luskin from Discovery Institute to discuss the new book Debating Darwin’s Doubt by David Klinghoffer and Stephen Meyer along with many other authors, including today’s guest.
July 5, 2015
Half an hour of TRUTH! Does Christianity suck? A look at an article “Christianity Sucks: Why Religion has Poisoned Mankind.” by Kent Harper.
May 24, 2015
Are there stories that compete with the Bible? Join us as we discuss what makes the Bible so unique!
May 10, 2015
Join us as we discuss the existence of God and the Vertical Cosmological Argument
April 19, 2015
Pastor Jeff and Dave take on an article written by a former Christian about why Christianity is false
April 5, 2015
Join Pastor Jeff and Dave as they dive into the proofs of Jesus’ Messianic claims
March 22, 2015
Join Truth Revolution as they welcome Jeff Zweerink from Reasons to Believe and discuss the origins of the Universe.
November 2, 2014
Join Dave and Jeff as they continue to refute atheistic evidences that Christianity is false.
October 26, 2014
Join Jeff and Dave as they discuss atheism and break down a couple articles from “The Sisyphus Fragment” blog.
August 24, 2014
Why doesn’t God answer prayer? There may be a reason! Join Pastor Jeff and Dave as they discuss 7 things that may be hindering your prayer life.