Audio Archives

Dave Waggoner
June 6, 2021

Rewind – A Universe Designed


Rewind - A Universe Designed

Is God real? There is much order in the Universe – too much to ignore! It is complex, specific and exhibits great qualities of design. We believe this points to God as the Designer. Why? Listen in as Pastors Jeff and Dave discuss the Teleological Argument and how it points to God as the Author of all creation.

May 2, 2021

Rewind – God Among Sages

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Rewind - God Among Sages

This show origianally aired on January 15, 2017 Jesus is different from other religious founders! Many people put Jesus and other founders on the same level. The idea that all religions are equal is wrong. Christianity is VERY distinct. Many religious leaders claim to have a revelation from God. Jesus claims to be the revelation […]

April 4, 2021

Apostles’ Martyrdom


Apostles' Martyrdom

Happy Easter!! F.E.A.T explained (Fatal Torment / Empty Tomb / Appearance / Transformation) How many of the Apostles actually died for their faith? Christians must be careful about the information they give out. Looking at chapter 13 of “Evidence that Demands a Verdict” by Josh McDowell Christianity isn’t the only religion that has martyrs. Nor […]

March 7, 2021

10 Questions for Christians


10 Questions for Christians

10 questions asked by an atheist: How do we know the Bible is true? Should we take some parts of the Bible literally and other parts not? How can we tell the difference? What’s the deal about denominations? These questions and more on this month’s Truth Revolution!

January 3, 2021

Virus vs Vaccine: Fact and Fiction

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Virus vs Vaccine: Fact and Fiction

Welcome Dr. Fuz Rana Fact: This is Dr. Rana’s favorite show to be on!! Should we take the vaccine? A 90% effective rate for a vaccination is phenominal Typical seasonal vaccines are typically 40% to 60% effective Vaccine comparisons explained Should we be afraid of the lack of testing? RNA Vaccines were actually being researched […]

December 6, 2020

Spiritual Habits of Dr. Chuck Lawless

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Spiritual Habits of Dr. Chuck Lawless

Introducing Dr. Lawless How we are taught has a great effect on our later habits. Bible Reading Strategy Be less concerned about WHEN you read the Bible; rather be sure to actually read every day. The helpfulness of a Verse of the Day email Try to at least read through the entire bible every two […]

November 1, 2020

Spiritual Habits of Dr. David Talley

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Spiritual Habits of Dr. David Talley

Introducing Dr. David Talley Our Bible shouldn’t just be a tool, but something that feeds our souls Sermon or lesson prep needs to be devotional in nature as well Personal Bible reading is important apart from study Good Bible Commentaries can be helpful Bible in a Year. Helpful or not? Private prayer can be a […]

September 6, 2020

Spiritual Habits of Dr. Clay Jones

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Spiritual Habits of Dr. Clay Jones

Introduction of Dr. Clay Jones The importance of in depth Bible Study If you’re not reading the Bible regularly, there is something spiritually wrong with you. Reading the Bible honors God. The importance of prayer. Distractions are dangerous. Prayer is an indication of relationship with God. Dealing with Pornography. Sexual immorality is an indication of […]

August 2, 2020

Spiritual Habits of Dr. Hugh Ross

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Spiritual Habits of Dr. Hugh Ross

When studying proofs of God’s power and existence, we can often overlook the power of God working in someone’s life and how their daily practices cultivate their relationship with a loving and all-powerful God. Join Pastors Jeff and Dave as they take a deeper look into the spiritual life of Dr. Hugh Ross.

July 5, 2020

Rewind: TransHumanism

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Rewind: TransHumanism

Are people looking to science as a new avenue for salvation? What are the pros and cons of Gene Editing? How should Christians respond to this relatively new technology? Join Pastors, Dave and Jeff, along with Special Guest, Fuz Rana, from Reasons to Believe as they dive into Trans Humanism.

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