Topic Notes
Introduction: Bible Myths
Myth #1: Mary and Joseph arrived at an inn, but it was full so they had to stay in stable.
- The word translated “inn” is does not mean “hotel” the Greek word is kataluma.
- Used in: Luke 22:11, and Mark 14:14 – The Upper Room
- Also: Luke 10:34
- Inns were only on the main roads – so there were none in Bethlehem
- Normally used only by Romans and foreigners
About XMas and Happy Holidays
- What’s the deal with the X?
- the X is the first Greek letter in Christ (Χριστός)
- What about Holidays?
- Holidays is actually translated to Holy Days
Myth #2: Jesus was born on December 25th
- Clue: Luke 2:8
- Shepherds only let their flocks out at night during the warm months
- Christ was probably born in a warm season like summer, not a cold one like winter.
- In fact early Christians chose December 25th because that was the supposed birth of a false god, during the pagan festival of Rome: feast of goddess Brutus.
- It was done in order to wrest the celebration away from pagans. Mission Accomplished!
Myth #3: Joseph and Mary arrived to Bethlehem late at night.
- Bible doesn’t say when.
- Today, we drive, but back then, they walked just 10-15 miles a day. They knew how long they would travel.
- Furthermore, traveling at night was dangerous.
- They probably arrived in the late afternoon.
Myth #4: The innkeeper had no alternative but to put Mary and Joseph in stable at night.
- There were no stables back then, per se.
- Sheep were usually protected within stone walls.
- Other animals were typically brought into the house at night.
Myth #5: Mary gave birth to Jesus the night they arrived.
- Luke says “while they were there the days were completed”
- Joseph probably didn’t travel on the day of the birth.
Myth #6: Mary was alone in a stable when Jesus was born.
- In middle, or lower class home, there were three parts.
- A family room
- a place for the animals at night
- an extra room partitioned off from the family room (guest room).
- The whole family – everyone – was in the same house.
- Did the prophecy of the Virgin Birth really mean “virgin” birth?
- Isaiah 7:14
- Matthew 1:23
- The argument: The Greek Septuagint which Matthew used translates it as “a virgin shall conceive and bear a son,” but the Hebrew word “almah” means “young woman of marriageable age,” not a virgin.
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