Topic Notes
- Welcome!
- Can people who live ungodly lives wind up in heaven while those who did good for humanity wind up in hell?
- Albert Schweitzer vs Ted Bundy
- How different are we all, really?
- Good works will not get you into heaven; lack of good works will not bar you from heaven
- We make a choice to choose or reject God.
- What is the condition of your heart?
- How is it that God favors Jews over all other people?
- Dave, Jeff and the Zombie Apocalypse
- What of the miracles? Aren’t they in other religions as well? Were they borrowed?
- The presence of a counterfeit Messiah doesn’t mean that Jesus wasn’t the Messiah
- What of the evidence?
- Christianity hinges on the Resurrection.
- What of the Roman census. Is there a record of any of this?
- No record of the release of Barabas
- Is the Bible NOT an historical document?
- Dave’s Biker Gang and McDonald’s???
- What was Jesus actually crucified for? Does it matter?
- Will ALL who call on the name of the Lord be saved?
- Acts 2:21 vs Matthew 7:21
How I figured Out Christianity is Not Real, an article by Michael Runyan on ExChristian.net
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