Topic Notes
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- Bible reading is an important habit
- What keeps us from reading scripture?
- Different Bible-reading habits
- Join us at Revolution Church Sundays 9:00am and 11:15am
- Everyone has a past!! But, in Christ we also have a future!!
- Of vinegar and water baloons
- Jeff confesses his past
- It is scary what we can do to each other as humans
- But it is NOTHING compared to what God can do!
- God created everything with his WORDS!
- The words of God are not weak… but why does it seem that way?
- Luke 6:43-45
- What comes out of your life shows who you really are
- Are you a follower of Jesus? Does your life show it?
- You are what your actions say you are!
- Actions speak louder than words… but words do indicate who we are.
- Luke 6:45-46
- It’s not about just being “nice”
- The most powerful part of reading the Word of God is putting it into action
- The proper interpretation of scripture ultimately leads to a change of heart and a change in your actions
- Here’s what you gotta do: DROP THE CLUTCH!!
- The power of God’s word will remain idle until you ENGAGE!
- A BIBLE CONTRADICTION via Freedom from Religion Foundation ffrf.org
- Shall we call people fools or not? Is Jesus in danger of hell?
- Matthew 5:22 vs Matthew 23:17 Did Jesus contradict himself?
- James 2:14-17 Faith without action
- the Defibrillator Analogy
- Luke 6:47-49 Digging takes work! DROP THE CLUTCH!!
- James 1:27 Jeff and his wife decided to LIVE IT OUT!
- Simply, it’s not JUST about orphan care.
- Why the trinity? Why not the quadrinity? or septinity?
This show originally aired March 2nd, 2014
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