Our goal is to prove that there is SOME KIND OF GOD that exists
Explaining the Logical Argument
of Dave and Tacos
Breaking down the argument
1. Whatever has a beginning to its existence must have a cause
2. The Universe began to exist
3. The Universe had to have a cause (a creator)
What is the Law of Causality?
Critics say God must have been self-caused – which is impossible.
The argument doesn’t say that “everything must have a cause.”
It says, “Whatever has a beginning to existence, must have a cause.”
God had no beginning so he doesn’t need a cause.
Bible Contradiction via answering-christianity.com
Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel?
2 Samuel 24:1 (God) vs I Chronicles 2 1:1 (Satan)
Listener Question
How should we as Christians defend the Bible? One of my co-workers said that like all other religions it was written by men. I referenced the scripture in Timothy that says all scripture is God-breathed (inspired by God) but then he countered with, “yeah but a man wrote that too.” I had to tap out there. How should I respond to that?
Believe it or not, this used to be (and still is) a huge point of disagreement.
There are two types of reasons why we know the universe had to have a beginning. The first one is a philosophical reason, and the second a scientific reason.
Explaining infinity
Explaining the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
Pizza and Popcorn… the building blocks for life? Not really.
Put everything together and you get the conclusion that the Universe must have had a creator (we contend this is GOD!)
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