Truth Revolution Archives

November 6, 2014

Will Heaven be Enjoyable?

Will Heaven be Enjoyable?

Cake… and Heaven? [audio:]No Flash Support? Use this Audio Player! Your browser does not support the audio element. Download the MP3 COMMENT BELOW! Audio Transcript Dave: What will food be like in Heaven? Will we be able to eat as much as we want without getting fat? Jeff: Yes! Dave: SWEEEET!!! I’m gonna eat like […]

November 4, 2014

Did Jesus Really Have to Die?

Did Jesus Really Have to Die?

Could there have been a better way to handle salvation? [audio:]No Flash Support? Use this Audio Player! Your browser does not support the audio element. Download the MP3 COMMENT BELOW! Audio Transcript Dave: asked why Jesus had to die. They said, “Wouldn’t it have been much more efficient just to write some big message […]

October 30, 2014

If Only!

If Only!

There are lots of things that could have happened in the life of Jesus… if only it were written down somewhere! [audio:]No Flash Support? Use this Audio Player! Your browser does not support the audio element. Download the MP3 COMMENT BELOW! Audio Transcript Dave: thought about Jesus’ miracles and asked an interesting question: “Imagine […]

October 28, 2014

Knowing Evil

Knowing Evil

If Adam and Eve were ignorant about evil, were they punished unfairly? [audio:]No Flash Support? Use this Audio Player! Your browser does not support the audio element. Download the MP3 COMMENT BELOW! Audio Transcript Dave: How could God blame Adam and Eve for eating from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil – if, […]

October 23, 2014

Suffering: Proof of God?

Suffering: Proof of God?

How does suffering prove the existence of God? [audio:]No Flash Support? Use this Audio Player! Your browser does not support the audio element. Download the MP3 COMMENT BELOW! Audio Transcript Dave: I stubbed my toe today. Jeff: That’s how you know God exists. Dave: Um, that’s gotta be the worst line of argument I ever […]

October 21, 2014

What are the Odds?

What are the Odds?

What are the odds that someone could fulfill just a portion of the Bible Prophecy that Jesus did? [audio:]No Flash Support? Use this Audio Player! Your browser does not support the audio element. Download the MP3 COMMENT BELOW! Audio Transcript Dave: Odds of twins: 1 in 50 Jeff: Odds of quadruplets: 1 in 729,000 (w/o […]

October 16, 2014

A Shadow of Doubt

A Shadow of Doubt

“What if I have questions? What if I have doubts?” [audio:]No Flash Support? Use this Audio Player! Your browser does not support the audio element. Download the MP3 COMMENT BELOW! Audio Transcript Dave: Is it okay to have doubts? Jeff: On one hand we want to say, “No! Don’t’ doubt!” Dave: When Peter tried to […]

October 14, 2014

Commanded to Kill Pt3

Commanded to Kill Pt3

Is there ever a case where killing ISN’T morally wrong? [audio:]No Flash Support? Use this Audio Player! Your browser does not support the audio element. Download the MP3 COMMENT BELOW! Audio Transcript Dave: Why did God allow the Canaanites to be destroyed? Jeff: We’ve given two answers already, and here’s a third. A different approach. […]

October 9, 2014

Commanded to Kill pt2

Commanded to Kill pt2

Why did God command killing at all? [audio:]No Flash Support? Use this Audio Player! Your browser does not support the audio element. Download the MP3 COMMENT BELOW! Audio Transcript Dave: Previously we discovered that some of the language describing the slaughter of the Canaanites was purposely exaggerated. Jeff: But, why did God command killing at […]

October 7, 2014

Commanded to Kill

Commanded to Kill

If the Canaanites were annihilated, why were they still living among the people of Ephraim? [audio:]No Flash Support? Use this Audio Player! Your browser does not support the audio element. Download the MP3 COMMENT BELOW! Audio Transcript Dave: Why did God command that the Caannanites be slaughtered? Jeff: Joshua 10:40 says that Joshua, Isreal’s leader, […]

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