The Resurrection of Christ

February 12, 2012

Topic Notes


  • Did Jesus rise from the dead?  A brief summary of Hank Hanegraaff’s FEAT acronym used to demonstrate the legal argument that Jesus is alive.  Did Jesus really die?  Was the tomb empty?  Did he appear and how was James, his brother, changed by the appearances?
  • Bible Contradiction: Judges 4:21 says Sisera was killed lying down, but elsewhere it says he fell after he died.  Is there any way to resolve this?
  • Question: “How do I witness to my Muslim friend who lost his faith in God after he saw a lot of bad stuff during a war?”
  • Question: (Bible Contradiction)  Exodus 9:6 says all the livestock would die during a plague, but then Exodus 9:19 the Bible says more livestock died – is this a contradiction?



