Audio Archives

Jeff Piepho
April 22, 2012

Privileged Planet Pt2


Is the Earth special in any way, or is it like all the other planets out there? 2/2

April 15, 2012

Privileged Planet Pt1


Is the Earth special in any way, or is it like all the other planets out there? 1/2

April 8, 2012

Easter: Did Jesus Rise From the Dead?


Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?

April 1, 2012

Did Jesus Claim to Be God?


Did Jesus claim to be God? What do other religions claim about Jesus?

March 25, 2012

DaVinci Code


Dan Brown’s book, “The DaVinci Code” – fact or fiction?

March 18, 2012



Tolerance: How should we disagree with people? Can we? Is Fred Phelps the appropriate model for protests?

March 11, 2012



Naturalism. Is the Spiritual Realm real, or is our world only physical and material? Near Death Experiences (NDE).

March 4, 2012

Intelligent Design


Intelligent Design. Irreducible Complexity. Were we designed or did we evolve?

February 26, 2012




Evolution: Mistakes Christians make when talking about Evolution. And does it stand up to scientific scrutiny? Macro and Micro.

February 19, 2012

Science and Christianity


Science and Christianity

Christianity and Science. How do they relate to each other? Do they conflict or can scientists and theologians work together?

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