Topic Notes
- Welcome!
- Big Discovery! Water on Mars!
- Dave uses hyperbole?
- Is there life on Mars?
- Life is a lot more complex than “just add water”
- What of this water on Mars?
- This water is not standing water.
- Nor is it drinkable
- What exactly is “briny”?
- Water is 2 parts Hydrogen
- But there 2 different types of Hydrogen. Normal Hydrogen and Deuterium
- Mars began with five times the water it currently has
- Dave describes briny
- Over billions of years, Mars has become LESS habitable and the Earth has become MORE habitable.
- Is this an accident?
- Overview of Complexity vs Specificity
- There are MANY MANY things that are required for life in the Universe
- Life in the Universe is like Goldilocks and the Three Bears?
- Just because the environment is right for life, doesn’t mean there is life
- What about something other than Carbon / Water based life?
- Water = Best solvent
- Carbon Compounds are apparently the best of all possible carriers of complex information.
- Is the Earth a lonely speck in the Universe? Are we really alone?
- Did the Church persecute Copernicus? uh, NO!
- Copernicus actually dedicated his book to the pope
- The Church has historically been behind discovery and science.
- Why do we need church?
- BIBLE CONTRADICTION via “An Incredible Interactive Chart of Biblical Contradictions” from
- Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
- Exodus 31:18 vs. 1 Kings 8:9
Article: Water Does Not Equal Habitability by Jeff Zweerink
Article: Fine Tuning for Life in the Universe by Hugh Ross
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