Topic Notes
- What causes people to leave the faith?
- Why did God take such a long path to contact mankind?
- Evolution is not a proven fact, but IF God wanted to use that path, it’s His prerogative.
- The Earth is ideally suited for Human life RIGHT NOW
- God invented the idea of a process
- Why is it imperative that God be in a rush to do everything?
- Jesus and Lazarus (an example of the process)
- Is it possible that God would be glorified MORE through the process?
- God had contact with Humans from the very beginning
- Mankind walked away from God, not vice-versa
- Why choose a certain people over another? (as in Israel)
- God does not favor one person or group of people over others
- Why would God be so cruel as to destroy women and children
- God is worthy of worship, regardless of His actions
- As humans, sometimes we have a very small view of God
- What about the story of Noah’s Ark?
- What about animal sacrifice?
- BIBLE CONTRADICTION via 1001biblecontradictions.com
- Was Jesus’ first sermon on a plain or on a mount?
- Matthew 5:1-2 (KJV) vs Luke 6:17-20 (KJV)
- I recently found your website after going down a “how to answer an atheist” rabbit hole a couple of weeks ago. I have really enjoyed listening to your broadcasts and have a comment for you regarding to the “Debate Review: Ken Ham v. Bill Nye” broadcast…
…Pastor Jeff started with the “16 million species on earth” figure that Bill Nye gave but I think that number is a bit dubious especially as it relates to this discussion. The Catalogue of Life (http://www.catalogueoflife.org/) lists the number of known species to be approximately 1.7 million. …The best numbers I can find for the kinds of animals that would have been on the ark in terms of species alive today are:
Mammals- 5,500
Birds- 10,400
Reptiles- 10,000
Amphibians- 7,300TOTAL- 33,200
… Now I’m not a biologist (or mathematician for that matter so please check my math) but 8 – 17 new species per year (spread out over at least 1000 kinds) seems like a reasonable number to me or at the very least is not quite the “death blow to young earth creationism” that 11 new species per day would be.
- I recently found your website after going down a “how to answer an atheist” rabbit hole a couple of weeks ago. I have really enjoyed listening to your broadcasts and have a comment for you regarding to the “Debate Review: Ken Ham v. Bill Nye” broadcast…
How I figured Out Christianity is Not Real, an article by Michael Runyan on ExChristian.net
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