Topic Notes
- What is hermeneutics?
- Continuation of C-R-A-C-K-E-D, a way to solve Bible Contradictions
- Context
- Revealed
- Author’s Intention
- Credibility
- Knit Together
- God’s Word MUST BE REVEALED to be understood
- The Bible is powerful to believers but foolish to non-believers
- Just like any area in life, the right tool makes a difference
- What tool is essential to understanding the Bible
- Daniel 9 rightly predicts the year of Jesus’ death
- Biblical Prophesy also gives an “address” that points to Jesus as the Messiah
- John 11:47-48 shows how even knowledgeable people can be blinded
- Prayer is hugely important in reading scripture
- Bible Contradiction
- Hydro-logical Cycle
- Ecclesiastes 1:7 All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again
- Job 38:22 Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail?
- Problem: Storehouses are not part of the cycle
- 2 Peter 1:19-21 The Bible was written by men, carried along by the Holy Spirit
- Bible Contradiction? John 13:23 – Did Jesus not love the other disciples? Know the Author’s Intent
- Bible Contradiction? Proverbs 26:27 – Is this literal? What is the Author’s Intent?
- 1 Cor 15:29 is this meant to establish doctrine? What was the Author’s Intent?
- Continued discussion of Author’s Intent
- Jeremiah 17:4 vs Jeremiah 3:12 – Did God just contradict Himself? Understand the Author’s Intention
- Proverbs 26:4 vs Proverbs 26:5 – Contradiction? Remember the Author’s Intention.
- What is the Author’s Intent for the book of Revelation?
- Other verses that seem strange:
- John 21:25
- Matt 20:29-34 vs. Mark 10:46-52
- Genesis 17 – God blessed the marriage of Abraham and Sara, half-siblings (see Genesis 20:12) vs Leviticus 20:17 and Deuteronomy 27:22
- Mark 3:28-29 Unforgivable sin vs 1 John 1:9 All sin is forgivable
- Psalm 112:1-3 vs Matt 19:24
This show originally aired November 25th, 2012