Topic Notes
Show originally aired December 6, 2020
Introducing Dr. Lawless
How we are taught has a great effect on our later habits.
Bible Reading Strategy
Be less concerned about WHEN you read the Bible; rather be sure to actually read every day.
The helpfulness of a Verse of the Day email
Try to at least read through the entire bible every two years.
Adopt a reading plan.
Be careful of the “paralyzation of choice”
The more choices we have, the less likely we are to follow through.
Use a good Study Bible.
Use multiple highlighter colors – dependent on the subject
Bettering your prayer life
You don’t have to pray about every single thing every single day.
Focus on different areas each day, but be prepared for “emergency” prayers
Cover as much as you can in the course of a week.
Remember: “Persistence and Consistence brings God’s assistance”
Even the disciples needed to be taught how to pray.
Our independence often gets in the way of our prayer.
Fasting is an important part of our walk.
Choose a day each month and be consistent about fasting.
Use the time to focus on the Lord.
Be strategic in your fasting.
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