Posted by Dave

Take the time to get to KNOW Jesus. According to the Bible, when it comes to His part of the relationship, HE’S ALL IN! He’s just waiting for each of us to fully commit!
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Dave: In our last Truth Shot we explored how important it is to know Jesus in a relational way – and for Him to know us.

Jeff: Eternity really does hang in the balance.

Dave: But the question is, how do we know Jesus?

Jeff: The same way we form other relationships –

Dave: If you want to ask a girl out on a date you usually try to find out what she likes to eat, or what is her style? Casual, romantic, upscale?

Jeff: Yeah. You don’t walk up and say, “Hey. Yous pretty. Wanna get McDonald’s?”

Dave: Relationships are building on KNOWING each other, spending time speaking with each other, committing to each other, and things like that.

Jeff: In the same way, spend time reading God’s word! 2 Peter makes it clear that we KNOW JESUS through the words of God!

Dave: Spend time in prayer!

Jeff: Commit to a local Church, and be there every week!

Dave: Not because you have a religious obligation…

Jeff: But because you want to build a relationship with Jesus.

Dave: Our God is a God who reveals himself, to people who seek him.

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